<!-- THREE STEPS TO INSTALL SELECT-A-MONTH: 1. Paste the specified coding into the HEAD of your HTML document 2. Add the onLoad event handler to the BODY tag 3. Put the last code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <!-- STEP ONE: Copy this code into the HEAD your HTML document --> <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!--Total Java Scripts 99 - Next Step Software--> <!-- Original: Rob Patrick (rpatrick@mit.edu) --> <!-- Begin function setToday() { var now = new Date(); var day = now.getDate(); var month = now.getMonth(); var year = now.getYear(); if (year < 100) { year += 1900; } else { year += 2000; } this.focusDay = day; document.calControl.month.selectedIndex = month; document.calControl.year.value = year; displayCalendar(month, year); } function isFourDigitYear(year) { if (year.length != 4) { alert ("Sorry, the year must be four-digits in length."); document.calControl.year.select(); document.calControl.year.focus(); } else { return true; } } function selectDate() { var year = document.calControl.year.value; if (isFourDigitYear(year)) { var day = 0; var month = document.calControl.month.selectedIndex; displayCalendar(month, year); } } function setPreviousYear() { var year = document.calControl.year.value; if (isFourDigitYear(year)) { var day = 0; var month = document.calControl.month.selectedIndex; year--; document.calControl.year.value = year; displayCalendar(month, year); } } function setPreviousMonth() { var year = document.calControl.year.value; if (isFourDigitYear(year)) { var day = 0; var month = document.calControl.month.selectedIndex; if (month == 0) { month = 11; if (year > 1000) { year--; document.calControl.year.value = year; } } else { month--; } document.calControl.month.selectedIndex = month; displayCalendar(month, year); } } function setNextMonth() { var year = document.calControl.year.value; if (isFourDigitYear(year)) { var day = 0; var month = document.calControl.month.selectedIndex; if (month == 11) { month = 0; year++; document.calControl.year.value = year; } else { month++; } document.calControl.month.selectedIndex = month; displayCalendar(month, year); } } function setNextYear() { var year = document.calControl.year.value; if (isFourDigitYear(year)) { var day = 0; var month = document.calControl.month.selectedIndex; year++; document.calControl.year.value = year; displayCalendar(month, year); } } function displayCalendar(month, year) { month = parseInt(month); year = parseInt(year); var i = 0; var days = getDaysInMonth(month+1,year); var firstOfMonth = new Date (year, month, 1); var startingPos = firstOfMonth.getDay(); days += startingPos; document.calButtons.calPage.value = " Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa"; document.calButtons.calPage.value += "\n --------------------"; for (i = 0; i < startingPos; i++) { if ( i%7 == 0 ) document.calButtons.calPage.value += "\n "; document.calButtons.calPage.value += " "; } for (i = startingPos; i < days; i++) { if ( i%7 == 0 ) document.calButtons.calPage.value += "\n "; if (i-startingPos+1 < 10) document.calButtons.calPage.value += "0"; document.calButtons.calPage.value += i-startingPos+1; document.calButtons.calPage.value += " "; } for (i=days; i<42; i++) { if ( i%7 == 0 ) document.calButtons.calPage.value += "\n "; document.calButtons.calPage.value += " "; } document.calControl.Go.focus(); } function getDaysInMonth(month,year) { var days; if (month==1 || month==3 || month==5 || month==7 || month==8 || month==10 || month==12) days=31; else if (month==4 || month==6 || month==9 || month==11) days=30; else if (month==2) { if (isLeapYear(year)) { days=29; } else { days=28; } } return (days); } function isLeapYear (Year) { if (((Year % 4)==0) && ((Year % 100)!=0) || ((Year % 400)==0)) { return (true); } else { return (false); } } // End --> </SCRIPT> <!-- STEP TWO: Add the onLoad event handler to the BODY tag --> <BODY onLoad="setToday()"> <!-- STEP THREE: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <CENTER> <H2>Select-A-Month</H2> <FORM NAME="calControl" onSubmit="return false;"> <TABLE CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0> <TR><TD COLSPAN=7> <CENTER> <SELECT NAME="month" onChange="selectDate()"> <OPTION>January <OPTION>February <OPTION>March <OPTION>April <OPTION>May <OPTION>June <OPTION>July <OPTION>August <OPTION>September <OPTION>October <OPTION>November <OPTION>December </SELECT> <INPUT NAME="year" TYPE=TEXT SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4> <INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="Go" value="Build!" onClick="selectDate()"> </CENTER> </TD> </TR> </FORM> <FORM NAME="calButtons"> <TR><TD align="center"><textarea FONT="Courier" NAME="calPage" WRAP=no ROWS=8 COLS=22></textarea></TD><TR><TD><CENTER> <INPUT TYPE=BUTTON NAME="previousYear" VALUE=" << " onClick="setPreviousYear()"> <INPUT TYPE=BUTTON NAME="previousYear" VALUE=" < " onClick="setPreviousMonth()"> <INPUT TYPE=BUTTON NAME="previousYear" VALUE="Today" onClick="setToday()"> <INPUT TYPE=BUTTON NAME="previousYear" VALUE=" > " onClick="setNextMonth()"> <INPUT TYPE=BUTTON NAME="previousYear" VALUE=" >> " onClick="setNextYear()"> </CENTER></TD></TR> </TABLE></FORM></FONT> <!-- Script Size: 5.31 KB -->
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